Thursday, December 17, 2009

Introducing the Harmony Pendant

I designed and copyrighted the Harmony Pendant in 1998. It is designed with the idea that each different religious tradition has it’s own unique contribution.

The idea is not to meld them all together but rather to see them in Harmony, one with the other. Just as when a chord is played musically, one note off creates discord,shifting one note will move it into harmony.

The cross rises from the Star of David, just as Christianity comes from Judaism. To the left is the Hindu Symbol for Om. Above on the left is a Fetish Bear representing Native American, or Earth Spirit religious.

The Center represents the Ankh, the oldest formal religious symbol. To the top right is the Yin Yang for the Taoist Tradition and below the Islam Crescent wraps around the Buddhist Tree of Life. On the horizontal bar of the Cross is the Winged Globe, the symbol of Unity.

Unity’s Co-Founder, Charles Fillmore, took the symbol from ancient Egypt, and it is in fact the symbol of the Goddess Isis.

These custom made pieces are for sale by the designer, Rev. Doris Hoskins. Prices are available upon request based the current gold and silver commodity prices.


  1. Hi Reverend Doris,

    I absolutely love the design of your Harmony Pendant! Many of my friends and I are interested in purchasing some your pendants in gold and silver. How might we go about getting in contact with you and placing an order?


    Unity Enthusiast

  2. I am blessed to have had a gentleman Google "pendant with all religions" and mine came up. I had forgotten that I had a blog. I may begin using it more to communicate about distinctions that I am focused on these days. I am still selling Harmony Pendants and I am exploring ways to make them available to a wider range of price points.

  3. Hi Reverend,
    I'd like to know where can I order the Harmony Pendant (gold & silver) ?
    Thanks a lot

  4. Hi Rev Doris can you send me your price list? i am interested in putting them in our book store gold and silver. Blessings
